Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Something to think about....

This fall I am going to be a part of the Beth Moore Bible Study at my church. We are working through the book "A Womens Heart: God's Dwelling Place". I missed the first week, because Wild Man was sick, but I was able to go yesterday and can not even put into words how awesome it was! It amazed me (I know it shouldn't) how God knows what we need, when we need it. I needed that yesterday. I need this Bible Study.
Last night I was doing the homework and I read this verse:
"When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, "If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Eygpt. " Exodus 13:14
We all know where God led them. He led them through the desert, on a road that took them longer to get to where they needed to be. He knew that the shorter road was not the right one for them. Now the desert way was discouraging for them, but think about how discouraged they would have been if they had gone through a war. It even says God knew they would not make it. He knew they would turn around and go back to Egypt, where they were slaves, if they went that way. So, instead of sending them the shorter way (which they probably thought would be the easiest), He sent them on the long, hard path.
How many times as Christians do we want to skip over parts of our lives, because they are hard? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe God knows the alternative would hurt us more? Maybe if we got what we wanted, when we wanted it (took the shorter way) it would hurt us more and ultimately not lead us where God wants us to be. Just maybe the longer, harder way is better sometimes. Maybe the shorter road would be harder in the long run. I mean if the Isrealites had taken the short way, think about where they would have ended up...right where they started, slaves to the Egyptians.
Just a little something to think about....


Abby said...

What a precious truth! I remember us studying that in Sunday School several weeks ago and just being overwhelmed at those verses. They even got to see the parting of the Red Sea b/c they went the longer way! Hopefully I will remember this when I am on the longer road! :-)

Kearsmom said...

Great, wise words! Thanks!