Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historical Day

I told myself I was not going to blog about this. In fact, after just watching The Bachelor, I really have a lot of thoughts I want to share on that topic, but the truth is today is a big day for America. I know there people all over watching something take place today that they never thought would ever happen. That is right, whether we voted for it or not, today in will go down as the day the first black man took an oath to serve our country as President. I have to admit I am not watching the whole thing on TV, mainly because the kids are home and they are easier to deal with when the disney channel is on. I also have to admit that while I appreciate how important this day is, I have no desire to watch it. I did not vote for him and to be honest I am not real thrilled he is our new President. I think that the days we have ahead of us will be difficult and I believe that he will make decisions, that will impact the future of our country greatly. I believe, as a Christian, it will most likely become increasingly harder to live our comfortable christian lives. However, I also believe that God has a plan through all this. I believe that He will use this time for His Glory! I think that no matter who we voted for or what we believe about the new president, we do need to sit back today and think about how far our country has come and then we, as Christians, need to make a strong commitment to pray for our new president and our country more than ever. We need to pray that God will use Obama to lead this country exactly where He wants our country to be, and the scary thing is, that might be right into some of the hardest days we have seen, but we need to be ready for that. God uses EVERYTHING for HIS GLORY! So, today in front of the whole blog world, I am making a commitment to appreciate the meaning of today and use it as a reason to become serious about praying for our country and our new president (whether I like him or not!).

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