Monday, August 16, 2010

Genesis 1

Today is day 1 of week 2 of homeschooling. I don't feel good. I woke up not being able to breathe out of my nose and as the day has gone on I have just felt crummy. Not sick enough to be in bed all day but just yucky enough to make me tired and a little grouchy.

Once I finally got to a point this morning where I knew I could start school we all came to the table and I pulled out our new Bible books. I have one book just full of activities and games to help learn the division and books of the Bible and then another book that highlights the key points of each book, along with some other cool reference items. Today was just the introductory lesson where we talked about the Old and New testament and some of the key things that happened in each section. We also talked about finding verses (how you write the book, chapter, and then verse). While we are talking about this Wild Man found Genesis 1 and just started reading. He read the whole chapter before he was done.

The "teacher" and "organizer" in me wanted to stop him at first because that was not what we were supposed to be working on, but the mom in me kicked in and just set there and listened. I listened to my little precious Wild Man read ALL of Genesis 1! As he was reading I just was overwhelmed at how much God has blessed me. I thought about when Wild Man was a baby and how much he has grown since then. I love him more than words can describe and my love for him just reminds me how much more God loves me.

When he was done he looked up at me and said, "I just read the whole thing! I read from there to there! Can you believe it?! I have never done that before mommy!" He was so proud of himself. As we talked about what he read he began to get more excited because he realized he read a story from his Bible that others had been teaching him about for years.

It's moments like this that I will treasure forever. If he had been in a regular classroom setting that would not have happened and I would not have had that memory. This is a memory I will keep with me and pull out on those days I am discouraged and ready to quit.

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