Thursday, May 03, 2007


Okay, so Kearsmom tagged me the other day. So, here I go. I started blogging last June (June 06) so that I had a way to journal and share fun things about our family with those who do not live near us. I did very good and then life happened. Well, working full time with 2 kids happened and something had to there went the blog. I started blogging again, once I became a stay at home mom. My intentions were to keep it about the family, and for the most part it has been that. However, I have now added a personal element, so those of you who read can learn more about me, and what makes me tick.

Blogging for me is therapy. I can not explain it, but there is something stress relieving about putting my thoughts into words. It gives me a place where I can be me and say what I think without people thinking badly of me. It also gives me a place where I can brag about my kids, or share funny stories. I guess it's my "happy place".

I really also like reading every ones comments and all the conversations that begin because of things I write. It is a lot of fun...and very addicting!

Anyway, that is why I blog. I tag BB! Why do you blog, BB?


BB said...

you can't tag me...i'm yo momma!
just kidding....i am so glad you blog cause i get to see more of my sweet babies!

so keep a look out for my response to your tag!

i love you!!!

Carie said...

Hey! Like your blog and like the reasons you blog!

The Mom said...

CM!!! I am so glad you have started reading my blog! I am glad you enjoy it!

BB, I can tag you all I want, because you are my momma! Also, this blog is not just about the kids you know?? Just kidding! I know you read it for me too, maybe. :-)