Thursday, January 17, 2008


Okay, so The Prof and I finished season 6 of 24 last night. I have very strong opinions about this season. IT WAS HORRIBLE! I felt like the writers and everyone else involved did not think through the season ahead of time. I mean come on...there were 2 plots! One ended and it was like, "Okay, I guess we need think of another one." Then, the ending was ridiculous. I mean seriously. So, in our effort to make it better we decided to watch the alternate ending. EVEN WORSE!!! The alternate ending wasn't even that different. I am very disappointed to say the least.

I am going to give Season 7 a shot, when it comes out, if it ever comes out. But, if it is anything like season six, then I will no longer be a 24 fan.

Okay, so there are my feelings. I got it out. If you have seen season 6, I would love to know how you feel.


Kearsmom said...

I don't watch 24 (I know, big shock, haha) but I have to wonder if the current writers' strike has anything to do with the writers just quit trying?? I know they write and film that stuff way ahead, but still, I just wonder...

Abby said...

what is season 6 about? Was that last year? I have to admit that I was disappointed with the one that ended in May and the ending for the 2006 season. I can't believe it won't be on this year! :-)

The Mom said...

season 6 is the last one that was on tv. so, i guess it ended last may...i'm not real sure. i do know it just came out on dvd. anyway, its the one that involves jack's dad and brother and nephew and wayne palmer is the president. anyway, i was very disappointed.

Junebug said...

I didn't hate it, but I def didn't like it as much as some of the others. I didn't like the way it ended...made me sad.

Watch the next season. Whenever that may be. It has to get better, right?

The Mom said...

okay so i am mad now...i typed this awesome repsonse and it did not post it. ugh!! oh well!

i pretty much said that i agreed with you. the next season has to be better. and, also we found this site that has a trailer from season 7. you should check it out. they even have a countdown until kiefer gets out of jail!

The Mom said...

okay so i am mad now...i typed this awesome repsonse and it did not post it. ugh!! oh well!

i pretty much said that i agreed with you. the next season has to be better. and, also we found this site that has a trailer from season 7. you should check it out. they even have a countdown until kiefer gets out of jail!

The Mom said...

then it publishes that comment twice...ugh!!!!

Anonymous said...

I truly do not know how you people watch that show. The news is enough drama for me and greys of course that is all I can handle.

Erin said...

We have about 5 hours left of season 5- and it is awesome! I hate that we can't get back to it until Sat. night! I cannot wait!

We got Season 6 for Christmas. I do love the show though!

Erin said...

Okay Season 5 is done... LOVED IT! Although I cannot believe the Chinese got Jack! We have to watch the alternate endings later tonight.

Charles Logan- what a mess.