Thursday, April 05, 2007


There are some things in life that I have just decided will never make sense. One of those things is Texas weather. We have lived here for 4 years now and every year it is the same thing. No seasons! Just Summer, with a few cold days. Oh, and when it is cold, it is cold. Now, the thing that I will never understand is how it can be 80 one day, snowing the next, and then right back up to 80 the next day. Okay, maybe it is not that drastic, but it close!

For example, check this out. Earlier this week it got close to 80. Today was not so bad, it was only 70. Tomorrow the high, according to, is going to be 56. Now this is where it gets crazy. Saturday's forcast, for Fort Worth, is high 37 Rain/Snow. Yes! I said Snow! What??!! Does that make sense? Oh, and by next Saturday it will be right back at 80. Makes absolutely no sense!


Junebug said...

Yep, cold here, too. I think we will have a cold Easter Sunday, too.

I remember Easter from 5th or 6th grade. I had this fabulous pink and white sundress and it was so stinkin cold on that Sunday that my mama made me wear a stupid long-sleeve white shirt underneath. She also made me wear this white shawl that my neighbor crocheted for me. I was certain that I looked ridiculous!

Easter should be warm and sunny, don't you think?!

The Mom said...

I agree it should be warm on Easter! I am not sure what is up with this cold weather.

Also, I have your jewelry case! It is way cute! I am mailing it to mom on Monday.