Monday, February 26, 2007

The Sword

Last night Johnathan was sick. So, at 11 pm I found myself at Walgreens trying to find medicine for him. While I was there I decided to walk down the toy isle and see if there was anything cheap I could buy for him to cheer him up (because you know he needs more toys - hahaha!). I walked down the toy isle and found NOTHING! It was cheap, that is for sure! I started to leave when I saw something out of the corner of my eye... a foam pirate's sword! Now, that's what I'm talking about! I mean what 3 year boy would not want a foam sword? So, I decided he needed one. I pulled one out of the display box only to find that it was broken on the end. So, I put it back and pulled another one out. The second one was also defective. So, the search began. I was determined Johnathan needed one of the swords and I was going to find one that was not defective. Finally, I found one that was decent. The only thing wrong with it was that it had one little nick right above the handle. I decided to get it, because it was the best one on the box and I was sure Johnathan would not even notice it!

He did not get to see the sword last night, because when I came home he was asleep, but when he saw it this morning his face lit up and he said, " Who is this sword?" (meaning - whose sword is this?) So, I told him that it was his. I told him that last night I bought it for him because he was sick and I wanted to give him something to make him happy. He was so excited and immediately began playing with it. Then, he stopped and looked at it, then looked at me and said, "Ugh! Look at this! It is broken!" and pointed right to the little nick at the top of the handle! I mean come on! Why does my 3 year old boy have to be one to notice stuff like that??!! I just told him it was supposed to look like that and he was fine, but man my bubble sure did pop! So much for the hero sword buying mom I thought I was.

BTW - He loves the sword anyway, nicks and all!


BB said...

If that baby wants a new sword, I'll get it for him! And any prize is better than a balloon! (Don't agree? Read my blog post for today!)

You are a great always know what to say!

The Mom said...

We are going to buy Lee a sword too, so they can play sword fight together. Won't that be cute??!! It was Lee's idea. He is a great dad.